‘Knight Cities’ podcast: Paul Levy on how Philadelphia transformed its Center City – Knight Foundation

‘Knight Cities’ podcast: Paul Levy on how Philadelphia transformed its Center City

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Paul R. Levy with the kids who won the KidsInCenterCity.com poster contest. Sign up for Podcast Alerts Subscribe

He’s been called the shadow mayor of Center City Philadelphia, and there is no one in America today who knows more about how to cultivate a downtown than Paul Levy.

Paul is president and CEO of Center City District, the organization supported by property owners that makes the district appeal to businesses and residents alike by keeping it clean, safe, green and active.

In our conversation this week, Paul explains why Philadelphia, a Knight community, is thriving again, even as it weathers a profound economic transition. And it all starts with the revitalization of the city’s Center City.

Listen to my conversation with Paul here. And sign up for the “Knight Cities” newsletter to get alerts as soon as new conversations are posted.

Look for new content posted every Wednesday here. You can follow us on Twitter at #KnightCities or @KnightFdn. And if you have ideas for people you’d like to hear more from, please email me.

Carol Coletta is vice president of community and national initiatives at Knight Foundation.

Sister Cities Park opened for Winterfest 2013 in Philadelphia’s Center City District.

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