Last chance to participate in Community Supported Art Miami! – Knight Foundation

Last chance to participate in Community Supported Art Miami!

By Laura Zabel, Springboard for the Arts

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working with the Community Supported Art program in the past year has been seeing the various ways it’s been adapted for different cities. Since our replication program launched a year ago, we have worked with over thirty organizations to help them bring CSA to their communities. With the support of Knight Foundation, all eight Knight communities will have the opportunity to launch CSA programs. They’ve been all over the map, literally: on the west coast and east coast, in the south and the Midwest, in small towns and large cities, with economic development organizations, galleries, art centers, and even individual artists. Each individual CSA program is an enticing little peek into its city’s art community.

Particularly in the midst of a Midwestern winter, it’s been enjoyable to see the work being done with CSA in Miami. Now on sale, Miami’s CSA shares feature work by nine very talented South Florida artists working in a range of mediums. Some of the work is a direct reflection of Miami itself:  Jenny Brillhart’s mixed media work incorporates images of the places around town she sees in her daily travels, and Jason Hedge’s fish prints (pictured) are an amusing reminder of the relationship between Floridians and the food that comes directly from the waters that surround them. Similarly, Julie Friel’s books incorporate the visual language of graffiti, exactly of the sort that one comes across navigating the urban landscape.

Other pieces of work in the share make use of broader themes and inspirations less specific to Miami. In particular, Michelle Weinberg’s witty, text-enhanced encaustic tiles would be received well in any community. Drawing on fine art, advertising, design, and decorative arts, her pieces are a perfect example of the sort of work CSA programs make available: accessible, well-made, one-of-a-kind, and directly from the studio of a nationally recognized artist, with no middleman.

Nine pieces of this caliber by nine great Florida-based artists for only $450 is a real bargain – a great way to either begin an art collection, or add to the one you’ve already started.

It’s really easy to get involved. For more information, contact Dominique Breard at 786-347-2360 or [email protected]. Or you can click here and buy a share.  The delivery of your art will take place in three monthly deliveries. Starting in February, each delivery will be held at a different location, where you will be able to meet the artists included in your share.

Help support the great art scene that makes Miami a national destination for artists! Only a few shares remain, so sign up for CSA today.