Last minute tips for your Detroit Knight Arts Challenge application – Knight Foundation

Last minute tips for your Detroit Knight Arts Challenge application

DLECTRICITY is a 2013 Knight Arts Challenge winner

As we all stare down the April 7 deadline for the Detroit Knight Arts Challenge, offering a share of $3 million to innovative arts ideas, we wanted to offer some final tips on submitting your application.

As Arts Program Officer Tatiana Hernandez said at a series of Q&A sessions last week, all great applications start with a compelling idea. The challenge is an ideas contest after all! (If you need some inspiration, check out the year 1 Detroit winners to see what we mean.)

Beyond that, here are Hernandez’s tips on brushing up that application:

1.) Be clear, concise and compelling You only have about 150 words in this initial application. Make them count. We do not want you to use grant speak. Clearly explain your idea and let your passion for it shine through.

2.) Create a catchy title Our readers will be combing through hundreds of applications. Make yours stand out by coming up with something that grabs their attention and makes them remember your project.

3.) Reflect the identity of Detroit in your idea We want ideas that both reflect artistic excellence and are authentically Detroit.

4.) Have someone look over your idea Keep a draft of your idea in your pocket and ask a stranger to read it. If he gives it back to you and says, “That’s a great idea. When are you doing it?” then you are ready to submit. If he gives it back and has a question or two, then you still have some work to do.

5.) Apply early Even though the deadline in April 7, imagine it is Friday April 4, because the readers review ideas in the order they are submitted. It’s better to be reviewed at the beginning of the process

Additionally, here are some questions asked during the Q & A sessions at the Town Hall Meetings throughout Detroit, along with their answers.

Q: I speak Spanish better than English, will the readers understand?

A: You can submit your idea in Spanish and it will be professionally translated for the readers’ review.

Q: I am not a U.S. citizen. Can I apply?

A: Yes! Anyone can apply.

Q: Can you submit ideas from last year?

A: Yes. There are some new readers so it might resonate differently with readers; however, it is recommended that you revisit the idea and make sure it is clear, concise and compelling.

Q: Should I include my website in the application?

A: Don’t waste the character space. This is about the idea and you only have about 150 words to interest the readers. Use it to explain the idea.

Q: How many applications can I submit?

A: You can submit as many applications as you want, however readers tend to have a tolerance level of about five submissions per applicant. Don’t go overboard. Submit your best ideas.

Hernandez has also held these Q&A sessions in Miami and a video of the presentation and Q & A session can be found here.

Don’t forget to apply here at Best of luck!

– Erica Perdue, communications consultant for Knight Foundation