League of Creative Interventionists brings Macon together with love and a community potluck – Knight Foundation

League of Creative Interventionists brings Macon together with love and a community potluck

Macon League of Creative Interventionists.

Since March 10, there’s been a very strange and interesting guy flossing through the streets of Macon. He’s been hosting meetings in an effort to bring people from all walks of life together for a common cause. His name is Hunter Franks, and he’s a creative interventionist. Fortunately, Franks has received funding from the Knight Foundation to cross-pollinate this concept in the Akron, Detroit, Macon and Philadelphia communities.

The League of Creative Interventionists serves as his weapon as he fires rounds of creative placemaking all over the globe. Hunter Franks uses the most peculiar methods to gather people in neighborhoods to assist them in coming up with solutions to break barriers of economics and race, which play major roles in dividing us. Currently, the Vacant Love campaign is the action theme. This project encourages neighborhood folks to create letters of love to or about the vacant structure. After the letters have been composed, they’re hung on the outside of the building. While people are gathered for such a ceremony, so many other accomplishments can be achieved, like making cross-cultural connections, attracting donors and sponsors, and adding pastimes, such as serving potluck meals and engaging the community with all disciplines of the arts.

On March 27, the League of Creative Interventionists will moderate the Love Notes to Macon Community Potluck from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Historic Capricorn Recording Studio building with Macon love notes, a pledge drive, performances from Poetic Peace Arts (a Knight Arts grantee) poets, homemade dishes and more. Citizens are asked to submit their recipes from the potluck to be included in a community cookbook. The most simple initiatives can bring about the greatest change in our lives.

Historic Capricorn Recording Studio building

Historic Capricorn Recording Studio building.