Learn WordPress with Tropicult at the IFC Miami – Knight Foundation

Learn WordPress with Tropicult at the IFC Miami

Business cards are (almost) dead. The Internet and social media has transformed the ways in which we connect and communicate with each other. This change demands sophisticated knowledge of how to build and maintain a creative and competent web presence.

Workshop poster.

Whether you’re an artist, businesswoman or a stay-at-home dad managing the family’s image, envisioning one’s own website or blog can be an overwhelming challenge, especially when creating and organizing content can have a direct impact on our careers. Enter: Tropicult and Indie Film Club Miami.

On November 3rd, they will host a basic introduction to WordPress workshop for filmmakers, artists, musicians, students, professionals, as well as small business owners and community groups, that focuses on the core elements and functionality of WordPress.com.

WordPress has quickly become one of the most popular (and relatively easy to use) sites to that allows you publish your own content. Despite its functionality, getting practical tips from experts can help you take full advantage of WordPress and take control of your web presence. All you need is a laptop and a web domain.