Let’s get real with the artificial – Knight Foundation

Let’s get real with the artificial

While parts of the art world have decamped to New York City for the week for the Armory fair and satellite shows, one local institution will open a retrospective of sorts of a local artist who has made a splash here — and New York,

“Forever” is a survey of sculptures and installations from 2003 to the present, including several pieces debuting in this show, at the Hollywood Arts and Culture Center.

People familiar with the Miami art world will recognize her distinctive sculptures almost immediately (she’s had prominent solo shows around, including at the now shuttered Galerie Perrotin). They are colorful, metallic, even psychedelic; and also troubling, giving off a sense of unease. For years Lei Rodriguez has played with the clash of what is real and alive with the fake and the manufactured — an apt metaphor for Miami.

Her flowers and plants are made of outrageously unreal material; but rather than being reproduced in their perfect moment of flowering, they drip and melt, mimicking decomposition. Of course nonliving “organisms” such as these don’t decay — the plastics and Styrofoams of our modern world may in fact be with us forever. Lei Rodriguez is interested in these contradictions; real beauty is fleeting, manufactured beauty may last “forever,” but what does that say? As the notes explain, “plastic is about eye candy, being new, disposable, artificial and glamorous all at the same time.” Miami, anyone?

“Forever” opens on March 5 (with opening Friday night, March 4) at the Hollywood Arts and Culture Center, 1650 Harrison St., Hollywood; 954-921-3274; artandculturecenter.org.