Live from St. Paul, it’s “Sample Night Live”
Getting butts in seats — that’s always the thing for performing artists, isn’t it? Even for prominent venues — Ordway, the Guthrie — and nationally acclaimed theater companies, it’s an ongoing and driving concern. And for small and mid-sized theater organizations and individual artists, building audience awareness and attendance is central, the answer to an up-and-comer’s question of survival.
“Sample Night Live” (“art in trial size”), in its fifth season, offers a straightforward and now time-tested model for introducing audiences to new artists. On the first Wednesday of every month at downtown St. Paul’s History Theatre, for a modest ticket price, theatergoers watch a dozen snippets from upcoming performances by local artists, emceed, usually by someone funny. The line-up may include spoken word, improv or musical performance, maybe a scene from a soon-to-open production by a small theater company, live painting on stage or a magic trick — the mix changes each month. The evening’s show is divided into two, one-hour sections: the first half of the night includes a family friendly “G-rated” roster, and the second half features more adult-oriented, unexpurgated fare.
I’ve been to a couple of these cabaret-style shows: The mood in the audience is lively and generous, and the line-up of artists is, as you’d expect, a motley (and yes, uneven) assortment. But there are usually gems in the mix, too; here I’ve seen artists I’d never heard of but who, once found, I’ve continued to follow. Besides, the tickets aren’t very expensive, and with acts so briefly on stage, the clinkers come and go before you know it. Even better, theatergoers are engaged in what they’re seeing on stage, encouraged to opt in to e-mail lists for artists they like and to vote on their favorite performance of the night. There are swag bags (for kids, too) and raffle prizes from local arts organizations. It’s a hoot.
If you’ve never been to a “Sample Night Live” show, this Wednesday’s installment would be a nice introduction to the series: it’s a “staff picks” line-up, so it’s a good bet you’ll see an entertaining, varied mix of talent on stage. Although the roster is subject to change, you can browse through the lineup on the series website (some of this month’s performers are also represented here, in this post, as well). It’s a great way for even risk-averse theater-lovers to find new favorites among our town’s vast pool of performing artists, and with free admission for kids under 12, it’s also a terrific option for those looking for a family night out.
“Sample Night Live” shows take place on the first Wednesday of every month and consists of two halves – one G-rated and one unrated. All tickets (except parent tickets) are good for either or both halves. The “Staff Picks Show” will be this Wednesday, Jan. 4: Act I (G-rated): 7 p.m. Act II (Unrated): 8:15 p.m. at History Theatre, 30 E. 10th St., Downtown St. Paul, Minn. General admission tickets are $20 ($10 for seniors and students, children under 12 get in for free). For more information, visit the website: www.samplenightlive.com/
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