Macon Arts Alliance seeks to ‘Amplify” the careers of creatives in Macon – Knight Foundation

Macon Arts Alliance seeks to ‘Amplify” the careers of creatives in Macon

By Stephanie Fritz, Macon Arts Alliance

Macon Arts Alliance, a Knight Arts grantee, is offering a new development program for creative professionals in Macon and central Georgia. “Amplify” supports creative entrepreneurs and professionals with resources, training, and networking opportunities to advance their careers.

Phase One began in March. An online survey was distributed to assess the needs of the local creative community. Fred Kachelhofer is one of many individuals who completed the survey at Fred is a woodworker who crafts beautiful pens, saltshakers, pepper grinders, and even dining room tables. He sells his work to generate income and to buy more supplies and expand his shop.

“I need to be doing something constructive all the time. My shop is my outlet,” he explained. “It is a sense of accomplishment to see the piece of work come to life as it is finished.”

After learning about Amplify through an email, Fred was one of the first people to complete the online survey. He is seeking new markets for his work and wants to find new ways to network within that market. He wants his creative business to grow. By learning the needs of local creatives like Fred, Macon Arts Alliance can develop resources to meet those needs.

“Fred wants to be able to make a living and a life by doing what he loves,” said Stephanie Fritz, special project manager at Macon Arts Alliance. “Our job is to help make that dream a reality.”

“I made a silver chest for a lady (that was) for her niece for a wedding present. The lady was going to put the bride’s grandmother’s sterling silver tableware in the chest as her gift,” Fred explained. “There was no place to buy the chest she envisioned (but) I was able to make it for her.”

The mission of Amplify is to build a community of creative entrepreneurs like Fred Kachelhofer. The unique abilities of creative people in central Georgia are a natural resource that can’t be replicated. Our creative community sets us apart from the rest of the world.

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