Mad Cat Theatre Company tackles the tumultuous life of Isabella Blow – Knight Foundation

Mad Cat Theatre Company tackles the tumultuous life of Isabella Blow

Theater matters, especially in Miami-Dade County where looming budget cuts threaten to close at least 22 local libraries. Mad Cat Theatre Company can’t do anything about these proposed cuts, however the significance of what Mad Cat does, that is bringing the written word to life, may become ever more important if these cuts go through. It is through theater that language comes to life and where the playwright’s words manifest. Mad Cat, which was named Best Theater Company by the Miami New Times, will do just that with the world premiere of Jessica Farr’s “Blow Me.”

Erin Joy Schmidt and Noah Levine. Photo credit: Mitchell Zachs

Directed by Mad Cat Founder and Artistic Director Paul Tei, “Blow Me” chronicles the tumultuous life of fashion icon Isabella Blow. Blow, who was once the fashion editor at Tatler and Vogue, left her mark on the fashion world by discovering some of the most well-known supermodels of her era. However, Blow’s not so trivial battle with bi-polar disorder exposed the seeming paradox between success and well-being. After seven suicide attempts, Blow finally succeeded at killing herself by consuming weedkiller.

Playwright Jessica Farr is a Miami native residing in Los Angeles and an alumna of the New World School of the Arts High School. “Blow Me” is made possible by the Miami Theater Center, Delaplaine Champagne, WLRN and with the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners.

A preview night will take place on August 15; tickets are $30. Opening night is August 16; tickets are $50, inclusive of food and drinks. Thereafter, general admission tickets are $30 and student tickets are $15 (with valid ID). Tickets may be purchased by calling OvationTix at 866-811-4111 or online at and