Mad King Thomas experiments at Inkub8 – Knight Foundation

Mad King Thomas experiments at Inkub8

Mad King Thomas is simply trying to make things more awesome—and this is awesome! Through November 9th, the choreographic collaborators of Mad King Thomas—Tara King, Theresa Madaus and Monica Thomas—will be the carefree creative triad of Artists in Residence at Inkub8.

Mad King Thomas.

Mad King Thomas, founded in 2004, has evolved to create small and large works for stage in their hometown of Minneapolis, but their work has been shown throughout the world, most notably in Australia, Russia and New York. In 2008, Mad King Thomas won a 2008 SAGE Award for Outstanding Performance for “Premium White Morsels.”

During their residence at Inkub8, the triad are working on an unnamed project, informally called the “Home Project,” that emerges from trips to each of the member’s childhood homes.

“The work is flirting with many ideas, including family, aging, geography, culture, unreliable narrators, mythology, identity, American history, the National Park System, animals, telephones, colonialism, intimacy, physical distance, homesickness, childhood, our young selves, introductions, how we become who we are, photographs, relationships.”

What’s interesting about Mad King Thomas is that they don’t have formal dance degrees, but they are obsessed with contemporary dance and theater. Their work tends to borrow from the dance world using what they call a “‘cut-and-paste, borrow-what’s-best, use-the-tools-at-hand’ approach to choreography.”

Mad King Thomas will perform Friday, November 8th at 8 p.m. at Inkub8, 2021 N.W. 1st Pl., Miami; 305-482-1621; Suggested donation: $15.