Making God Laugh at The Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre – Knight Foundation

Making God Laugh at The Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre

By Neal Hecker, WPBT

The new production at the Actor’s Playhouse is a twist on an American holiday tradition, offering the audience a chance to watch somebody else’s family meltdown around the dinner table.

The play, making it’s South  Florida Premiere, was written by Sean Grennan.  The title, “Making God Laugh” according to Artistic Director David Arisco, comes from a joke attributed to Woody Allen, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”

The production takes place over three decades at various year-end holidays and the cast suffer through bad 80’s haircuts and Y2K hysteria as their relationships shift and aspirations evaporate, but always at the core, there is family and familial bonds.

The ensemble cast includes several of South Florida’s most decorated actors including Deborah L. Sherman, Gregg Weiner and Michael Focas as the three siblings, Angie Radosh and Peter Haig as their parents.  Directed by Arisco, the production runs through Dec 29.

Dress Rehearsal (L-R) Deborah L. Sherman, Peter Haig, Michael Focas, Angie Radosh and Gregg Weiner