Milkboy Philly hosts WXPN’s The Key Studio Sessions Live – Knight Foundation

Milkboy Philly hosts WXPN’s The Key Studio Sessions Live

Thursday, March 15th Milkboy Philly played host to WXPN’s The Key Studio Sessions Live concert with three local bands; The Fleeting Ends, Turning Violet Violet and Chill Moody. The free event was the third live concert in the series and was recorded for videotaped for an upcoming audio profile of rapper Chill Moody. About 400 fans filled Milkboy over the course of the evening to watch power-pop rockers The Fleeting Ends and rockers Turning Violet Violet. In addition to an upcoming video profile of Moody, full audio sets from The Fleeting Ends and Turning Violet Violet will be available for free download on The Key.

Browse select photos here and enjoy a complete photo recap here.