Neos Dance Theater bringing its “Snow White” to E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall – Knight Foundation

Neos Dance Theater bringing its “Snow White” to E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall

There’s an event in the brewing, and it’s one not to be missed. Neos Dance Theater, a Knight Arts grantee, is bringing a larger-than-life event to E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall on April 19 in cooperation with the fine arts divisions of The University of Akron, to include the Dance Institute that is in residence there. University dancers, musicians and technical staff will join with Neos for lighting and stage handling, to perform in Neos artistic director Bobby Wesner’s newly-created “Snow White.”

While watching a recent walk-though rehearsal of the story ballet, it became apparent what a collaborative production this will be. There will be canned music, much as one expects these days in dance and theater because of the cost, but there will also be live music from university musicians, like the Steel Drum Band, a graduate student violinist and pianist, and student singers for some of the pas de deux pieces Wesner has created.

Music varies from rock-and-roll through English folk tunes to classical ballet music. And it all works, for the music Wesner chooses fits either character or theme in his work. For example, rock and percussive music inform us about the driven and strut-her-stuff character of the wicked stepmother.

Costumes will range like the music, from glimmering rhinestones and other beads during Snow White’s hallucination scene after the Stepmother pricks her with a poisoned comb, to Woodland Fairies with twigs in their hair and a scruffy, earthen look about them, on to the Stepmother dancing in red pointe shoes in a frenzy as she goes up in flames – with the image of the fire being shown on the back wall of the theater while she literally takes a dive into the fire.

Wesner and Neos are magnificent at incorporating video, multiple shades of music, exotic costumes, and splendid classical and modern dance into stunning productions. This one has all the markings of being equally successful.

Bobby Wesner’s version of the tale begins with a scene depicting the birth of Snow White, who took her name from her alabaster-looking skin. After the mother dies, Snow White’s father remarries – and thus enters who will become the wicked stepmother.

The whole narrative turns on the vanity of the stepmother over her looks. As in other telling of the story, she has her mirror to validate her beauty. (It also serves as a magical vehicle to show the woman what is happening throughout the kingdom, and that becomes important in all the plot twists to discover and get rid of the younger Snow White).

When the mirror tells the stepmother that Snow White has outstripped her in beauty, the action really begins. Wesner choreographs a few chase scenes in his work – first the Huntsman after Snow White to kill her on the stepmother’s orders, then the stepmother after the Huntsman to get him to lead her to Snow White so she can do the job herself after he let her live by abandoning her in the forest, and finally everyone after the wicked stepmother until she goes out in a blaze of dance glory (fire scene included) – all as kind of as logical progression to lead to the happier outcome of the tale.

Brooke Wesner and Jennifer Safanovs in “Snow White.” Photo courtesy of Neos Dance Theater

As one can imagine there are many scene changes – from the stepmother’s chambers to other areas of the castle for Snow White and the chase and forest scenes.

Remarkably Wesner is good at choreographing the set. At a rehearsal it was interesting to watch how he incorporated the movement of the scenery as imaginatively as he did the dancers in their roles and scenes.

Movable walls do the trick. Exiting dancers – along with some stage hands – pull the walls in and out as they enter and exit the story. The walls also manage to function as places to wait for the dancers’ entrances and probably for some last minute, split second costume adjustments.

Jennifer Safonovs, "Snow Whie." Photo courtesy of Neos Dance Theater

Jennifer Safonovs, “Snow White.” Photo courtesy of Neos Dance Theater

Neos will present Bobby Wesner’s “Snow White” at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 19 in E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall, 198 Hill St., Akron; 330-972-7570; Tickets range from $13-$28.