New works in new homes
The migration has finally occurred, and the art galleries and studios that formerly centered on and around Northeast 38th Street in the Design District have moved on. And we now know where some of them have landed, including Locust Projects (a Knight Arts Challenge grantee), which moved over to North Miami Avenue and is reopening with two sound exhibits: Natalya Laskis’ “Shortness of Breath” and in the Project Room, Emmett Moore’s “High, Low and in Between.”
Both are young, intriguing artists who deserve an airing like this. Laskis also has work showing with her gallery, Fredric Snitzer, up in the big Armory art fair in New York City this week. Her luscious, large-scale paintings in the past have told tales, often familiar to a Floridian audience, of motorcycle gangs and paraphernalia; sandy, rural settings; beach culture. The New World grad, who went on to the Maryland Institute College of Art, moved into more abstract imagery with this solo show and delves more deeply into that color that has permeated her work so well in the past.
Moore is a designer as well as artist, and his installation will be another example of the melding of these two worlds that have become increasingly common in recent years. “Fascinated by patterns, both manufactured and natural, Moore has fabricated by hand a series of relief wall panels and sculptural-architectural adaptations using a grid-based design process, ” is how Locust describes what he has done to the Project Room. “Sourced from a variety of everyday patterns, such as the security print found on the inside of envelopes, laminates, wood grain and the covers of composition notebooks, the patterns in “High, Low and in Between“ appear recurring, yet, upon closer inspection, do not repeat exactly. By covering both two and three-dimensional surfaces with such patterns, Moore both recontextualizes these patterns and de-centers viewers by disrupting scale and depth perception.”
Also opening this Second Saturday, a one-off group show with a great array of local artists, including Jim Drain, Christy Gast, Sinisa Kukec, Gean Moreno, Jorge Pantoja and the organizers Odalis Valdivieso, Marcos Valella and Alexandra Hopf, to name just a few (really, it’s a nice roster). Called “Practices Remain,” it aims to explore “distinct artistic systems engaged in studio undertaking. It is conceived as a dynamic situation where research, production and display have the same level of importance.”
“Practices Remain” runs through April 8 at 99 N.E. 39th St. in the Design District; [email protected]; [email protected]. “Shortness of Breath” and “High, Low and in Between” run through April 27 at Locust Projects, 3852 N. Miami Ave., Miami;
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