North of the border Canadian Brass coming to E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall – Knight Foundation

North of the border Canadian Brass coming to E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall

A cool musical invasion is headed our way when the Canadian Brass comes to E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall to perform a concert for Tuesday Musical, a Knight Arts grantee.

Recognized as “the world’s most famous brass group,Canadian Brass will be the vibrant and final performance for Tuesday Musical’s 125th-anniversary season. This talented group will take that noteworthy spot and give the audience a lively send-off for both their night out and Tuesday Musical’s anniversary season.

With the purported vision to introduce brass music to new audiences, Chuck Daellenbach and Gene Watts were the creative business minds behind the group’s musical beginnings back in 1970.

Over the last four decades, they have transcribed, arranged and commissioned more than 200 works and have been widely recognized for their re-invention of ragtime composer Scott Joplin’s legacy.

Today the Canadian Brass group features five men who, as artistic director of TM Barbara Feld says, are virtuosos in their own right — original founding member, tubist Chuck Daellenbach, master trumpeter Chris Coletti, French hornist Eric Reed, Caleb Hudson, an award-winning trumpeter, and newest member, Achilles Liarmakopoulos, an accomplished trombonist.

Canadian Brass, “Casual Elegance.” Photo by Bo Huang

Advanced publicity about the program notes that the concert will begin with pieces ranging from the 17th-19th centuries, featuring the works of Giovanni Gabrieli, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johannes Brahms, among others. Special to me are an arrangement of Mozart’s motet in D major, “Ave Verum Corpus,” which was originally scored for four-part male/female choir, and the well-known Bach’s “Fugue in G minor” (an organ piece originally that is popularly known as the “Little Fugue”).

After the intermission, the Brass will get a little wilder and more contemporary. They will perform a “Dixie Bach” (arranged by Luther Anderson), a “Killer Tango” by Sonny Kompanek, and another arrangement by Anderson, “Sweet Georgia Brown.” This should give the audience a bouncy and perky finale as they leave the performance hall.

Canadian Brass, feet and instruments. Photo by Bo Huang

Canadian Brass, feet and instruments. Photo by Bo Huang

The Canadian Brass will bring an end to the stellar season that Tuesday Musical has brought to the Akron area. It also marks the 125th anniversary of the organization – a nearly unbelievable record for any group in the lively and performing arts, and a credit to Clara Knight, the woman to whom the programming this past year was dedicated.

The Canadian Brass will perform for Tuesday Musical at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16 in E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall, 198 Hill St., Akron; 330-972-7570. Tickets are $25-$45.