Nurturing South Florida’s social entrepreneurs – Knight Foundation

Nurturing South Florida’s social entrepreneurs

Miami : Open : Source, a 2013 Knight Arts Challenge winner, has been granted co-working space and mentorship services at the Center for Social Change in Coral Gables as we raise funds, connect to partners and refine our business strategy.

Our project seeks to cultivate the use of technology in the arts to ultimately benefit underrepresented communities. We seek to do this through a community space for South Florida’s design and technology-based art community to come together, hack and build projects, while offering a range of equipment to help artists create their work.

Bill Burdette and Lauren Harper, co-founders of the Center for Social Change, envision the space as a collision point for Miami : Open : Source and other like-minded social enterprises and nonprofits. I’ve seen real impact in a short time, which includes business strategy consulting from the Center for Social Change; loan advice from Marjorie Weber of SCORE; and community partnership from Rudy Sablon of The Motivational Edge, another Knight Arts Challenge winner.

Watch our video above for some insights on social entrepreneurship in South Florida and the impact of these collisions.

Silas Munro is founder of Miami : Open : Source.