October offers several chances to enjoy the visual arts in Macon
Paintings by Virginia Maxfield are on display at The Gallery at Macon Arts Alliance as part of “Mixed Media.”
October is a busy month for the arts in Macon. Whether it’s performing arts, music or visual arts, the abundance of events happening this month is undeniable. Art is everywhere, and this post attempts to round up a collection of some of the best exhibits and workshops currently on display.
Wesleyan College, which happens to be the first institution in the world to grant college degrees to women, has a couple of great shows up this month. “Los Tres Amigos” is currently on display at the McCrary Gallery in the Murphey Art Building. This exhibit features recent work by Dennis Applebee, Fernando la Rosa and John Skelton. They are all on the faculty of Wesleyan — and another long-time faculty member currently has work on display at a local museum. “Los Tres Amigos” will be open through October 22.
Also at Wesleyan is an exhibit of paintings which have been restored through the college’s adopt-a-painting program. Since its inception nine years ago, more than a quarter of a million dollars has been raised through the program and about 75 works have been restored. These restored paintings will be on exhibit through January 11, 2013, so there is plenty of time to drop by campus.
Speaking of academic institutions, Mercer University has an exhibit up in its Hardman Hall Gallery entitled “Confluence: Photographic Constructs by Michael Marshall.” The show features photo-based mixed media constructions that explore science and the unknown. “Confluence” will be on display through October 19, when a closing reception and gallery talk will be held at 10 a.m.
Luckily, one doesn’t have to wait to visit a local art space. October 13 features not one, but two, great opportunities to enjoy art while rubbing elbows with other art lovers. The Middle Geogia Art Association is holding a one-day-only “Artoberfest” at their gallery on Ingleside Avenue. The event will include a sidewalk sale of art, frames and more. The festivities begin at 10 a.m.
Later that day, The 567 Center for Renewal will host its second “Corks and Canvas” event. According to the description, participants can bring a bottle of wine, or their favorite beverage, and enjoy a sip while creating an 11×14″ painting. No experience is required, but registration is a must. The workshop begins at 7 p.m. Call 478-238-6051 or visit www.the567.org to register early. While you are there, check out the current exhibit on display in the 567’s gallery, “Autopsy.” A portait of Mr. Imagination, whose work will be on display at the Tubman African American Museum through January 5.
Other exhibits worth mentioning are “The World of Mr. Imagination, 1948 – 2012” at the Tubman African American Museum (a Knight Arts grantee), for which there will be an opening reception October 19 at 6 p.m., and “Mixed Media,” which is currently on display at The Gallery at Macon Arts Alliance (a Knight Arts grantee). I’ll be writing a post about the Tubman’s exhibit next week, so check back for that update.
Yes, October is a month filled with arts events. It may be because it also happens to be National Arts and Humanities Month, or it may be because the weather is so much cooler in October. Or maybe, it’s just because there are so many great artists and galleries in Macon. I’ll let you decide.
McCrary Gallery and the Collier East & West Galleries at Wesleyan College: 4760 Forsyth Rd., Macon; 478-477-1110; www.wesleyancollege.edu. Hardman Hall Gallery at Mercer University: 1400 Coleman Avenue; Macon; 478-301-2591 Middle Georgia Art Association: Ingleside Ave., Macon; 478-744-9557; www.middlegeorgiaart.org The 567 Center for Renewal: 533 Cherry St., Macon; 478-238-6051; www.the567.org Tubman African American Museum: 340 Walnut St., Macon; www.tubmanmusem.com
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