Olympic choreographer Shen Wei takes over Miami’s Freedom Tower – Knight Foundation

Olympic choreographer Shen Wei takes over Miami’s Freedom Tower

Art Basel is one of the most adrenalized and splendidly exhausting art events of the year. It’s the Black Friday of the art world, and the unofficial launch of the ‘season’ in Miami. The Miami Beach Convention Center alone receives about 75,000 visitors over five days, and that doesn’t include the tens of thousands of art lovers who inundate ancillary venues across Miami’s concrete jungle.

Shen Wei.

Keeping track of all the venues, openings and parties isn’t an easy task. Deciding which events to attend and when is even more daunting. One event that is not to be missed this year is Shen Wei’s “In Black, White and Gray”. The Chinese dancer, painter, designer and lead choreographer for the Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics will premiere, for the first time, a complete series of 11 paintings, together with a new choreography at the Freedom Tower during December 5-7th.

“I was not taught the arts separately and I don’t separate them in my work,” Wei stated. Wei was born a multidisciplinary artist rigorously versed in Chinese opera performance techniques, calligraphy, Chinese and Western painting and modern dance.

Co-presented by MDC Museum of Art + Design & MDC Live Arts (a Knight Arts grantee), Wei’s “In Black, White and Gray” is a series of five performances that are free and open to the public. Exhibition & Performances: Friday, Dec. 5–Sunday, Dec. 7. Exhibition and free live performances by Shen Wei Dance Arts. Limited seating available via www.mdclivearts.org. Matinee: 1 p.m. Evening: 8 p.m. (Friday & Saturday only). Artist Talks: Saturday, December 6 from 6-7 p.m. ABMB: Salon Talk Series with Shen Wei, Jeremy M. Mikolajczak, and Weng Ling at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach. For more information, visit www.mdclivearts.org.