One Voice Mixed Chorus visits St. Francis High – Knight Foundation

One Voice Mixed Chorus visits St. Francis High

By Craig Coogan, One Voice Mixed Chorus

Monday, January 9th was an amazing night!  100 students from St. Francis High School gave a concert and shared the stage with One Voice Mixed Chorus, Minnesota’s GLBTA Chorus.  The audience appeared a little nervous – they didn’t know what to expect.  “Bismillah”, a vibrant Sufi blessing in Arabic was sung by the combined group who surrounded the audience.  The high energy piece got the audience in the mood.  The students sang “Requiem” a powerful piece that honored the victims of the recent tsunamis.  One Voice took the stage and delighted everybody with the fun song “Minnesota Chapsticks” that names dozens of  cities and towns in Minnesota set to the Chopsticks music.  Their set included one movement from the Chorus’ commission “BraveSouls & Dreamers.”

When One Voice introduced and then sang “What Matters,” a song about the murder of Matthew Shepard, a hush fell throughout the auditorium.  At the song’s conclusion there was a spontaneous standing ovation.  Adults were moved.  Students in the audience began texting and minutes later more students materialized.

The combined Choruses came together to sing “One by One” an African song in Zulu that celebrates diversity.  The concert concluded with both groups and the audience singing a mash-up of “Imagine” and “Blowin’ in the Wind” followed by another standing ovation.

As artists, One Voice always appreciates accolades from its audience.  As part of the organization’s mission of “building community and creating social change by raising our voices in song” – this concert exceeded expectations.  There was a large turnout of people who emotionally connected with the music.  Everybody had a good time.  The students were empowered and ecstatic.  Grinning ear to ear afterwards their energy was infectious.  “This is awesome!  Thank you so much for being here!” said one teen wearing a bright rainbow scarf.

Lukas Warren, the Choir Director for the St. Francis Choir spoke to the One Voice singers before the concert:  “You have no idea how important this is and how much this means to us.  This kind of collaboration just doesn’t happen in this community.  Thank you for being here and being our role models.”

The school principal, Paul Meubaer, who came under some pressure about inviting a GLBT group to the school said:  “In this fast paced job and world, I believe there are far too few moments that really “move” people.  I want you to know that listening to our high school choir and seeing the pride, and quality with which they sing, listening to “One Voice” and the excellence promoted as well as seeing the sheer joy on the faces of every member of the choir, and finally seeing the collaboration between the two choirs moved me.  Thank you both for that “moment” I will always remember it.”,

You can hear Brave Souls & Dreamers in the Twin Cities on January 21 and 22, 2012. Tickets are on sale now at