Opening night: Park Square Theatre – Knight Foundation

Opening night: Park Square Theatre

By Park Square Theatre

Friday, Sept 16 was opening night of the new season—and August: Osage County roars to life on Park Square’s stage.  We’ve just finished a week of previews, with solid houses and great audience response.  I saw  two of the three dress rehearsals, which were powerful.  Yet it continues to amaze me as I watch a well-prepared piece move in front of a live audience—for only then, when the audience and actors come together, does a play truly come to life.

Park Square has a unique offering: 99 cent Preview Night.  It is a first-come, first-served arrangement, and the line begins to form before 5 p.m. for the 7:30 show.  I ‘worked the line’ on Tuesday, talking to the crowd and the vibe was fabulous! We had a wonderful mix of people of all ages, some who had come before as well as first-timers, many of whom had received a recommendation from a friend.

There was a sense of event as the hot dog vendor set up and the crowd kept getting bigger and bigger.  In line I found Joel Sass, who’ll be directing the next show on stage, Oliver Twist; actress Mo Perry, who was in our performance of The Last Seder which opened up the season last year; teenaged children of an actor in the production; and a member our play-reading committee.  The line snaked down West 7th Place Mall all the way to Wabasha and down to Candyland.  It was a sold out house.

 August: Osage County asks a great deal of its audience (and its actors!), and I applaud everyone for jumping in with both feet for this wild ride.  Director Richard Cook received an email from a patron whose thoughts sum up the power of theatre perfectly:

“We just got home from watching the Thursday night production of “August: Osage County.”  What an amazing experience. My husband & I discussed it all the way home, which is something that doesn’t happen often in regards to plays or movies. When it does happen, it’s such a gift to experience something that touches you so deeply and challenges you and makes you think and gives you fodder for great conversations.”                   — JS, longtime subscriber

Thanks, JS!  We couldn’t agree more!