Opening The Kinsey Collection with Bernard and Shirley Kinsey – Knight Foundation

Opening The Kinsey Collection with Bernard and Shirley Kinsey

By Anarrah Ross, Gantt Center Words are incapable of conveying how grateful I am to have been a part of the opening of The Kinsey Collection: Shared Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey- Where Art and History Intersect.” My first day as an intern at the Harvey B. Gantt Center coincided with the launching of opening events for this exhibition.

Entering day one, I was certainly not aware that my time spent working alongside the Kinseys would prove to be pivotal in steering the trajectory of both my personal and professional aspirations.

“To whom much is given, much is required” and “live a life with no regrets” are the Kinseys’ personal mantras.

Exhibition Preview for The Kinsey Collection

This devoted family – and their collection – is truly the personification of these messages. Their steadfast commitment to excavating untold stories of great African American contributors is astonishing. Their passion and insatiable thirst for knowledge is undeniable and inexplicably contagious.

At times, I’d find myself walking through the Gantt Center revisiting pieces and reflecting on their narratives. Notions of perseverance, distinction and achievement are embedded in each gallery. The reoccurring theme of “connections” resonated with me the most. As I read the placards, I discovered stories of individuals who at first seemed very distant and antiquated in the context of today’s society. However, further exploration revealed otherwise. The very traits that seemingly separated me from these pieces were in fact areas of commonalities.

In principle, these remarkable stories serve as a call to action for the emerging generation. If we choose to take heed to the challenge, the reach of our impact will be incomprehensible.

Exhibition Preview for The Kinsey Collection

Exhibition Preview for The Kinsey Collection