Ordway April 2013 update – Knight Foundation

Ordway April 2013 update

By Shelley Quiala, Ordway Center for the Performing Arts “It’s important for scientists to communicate the key messages of our work to different audiences.  We need to keep finding new tools (like dance and film) through which we can share these stories.“ -Chip Small,  Biology Professor, University of St. Thomas

As a part of the Campus Connections program funded by the Wallace Foundation, Ordway is hosting an artist residency throughout the spring semester with Pilobolus, a world-renowned modern dance company, Macalester College’s Dance Department, and three University of St. Thomas courses – Social Dynamics and the Environment, Urban Ecosystem Ecology, and Videography. Pilobolus company members are visiting Saint Paul four times and together, with the students and faculty, are learning about ways in which societies and individuals interact with their natural and built environments. The environmental studies, biology, and film students have been busy the past month, collecting and presenting observations of how humans interact with the environment to Pilobolus and the Macalester dance students. Then through guidance during intensive rehearsals with Pilobolus, Macalester dance students have begun creating a dance piece inspired by Pilobolus’ aesthetic and the observations and analyses of the UST students.  A student-created film inspired by the same topics will accompany the dance piece.

Pilobolus members Emily Kent, Matt Kent, Edwin Olvera, and Andy Herro with Macalester dance students and UST film student at the end of an intensive rehearsal week. Photo: Amy C. Miller

The Pilobolus Project dance piece will premiere as a part of Macalester College’s Spring Dance Concert on Friday evening, May 3rd at 7:30pm in Macalester’s Janet Wallet Fine Arts Center. Then the following night, on May 4th, Pilobolus will premiere a new work during their public performance at the Ordway at 7:30pm.

 Pilobolus Associate Artistic Director, Matt Kent, plans film elements with UST film student, Emily Dehart.  Photo:  Amy C. Miller

Pilobolus Associate Artistic Director, Matt Kent, plans film elements with UST film student, Emily Dehart. Photo: Amy C. Miller

Project Goals •      enhance students’ learning through a real-world collaborative process between arts & science disciplines •      engage students in opportunities to use the arts as tools for expression, reflection, communication, and problem-solving •      engage students and the community in critical thinking about interactions with our natural & built environments •      present original creative work to a public audience