Penumbra signature series – Knight Foundation

Penumbra signature series

Carra Martinez, August Wilson Fellow, Penumbra Theatre and University of Minnesota

High quality and authentic black theater allows African Americans to preserve their identity, culture and history in honest and uncompromising stories. At Penumbra, we ensure that these stories are written and told. Penumbra creates a safe, nurturing environment where many playwrights have found their voice and honed their craft – one of the most famous was August Wilson.

Playwrights develop their plays here without restriction or reservation. They have taught us that attributes like the role of community, the very real impact of the past on the present, and the specific rhythms of black American language lend a uniquely rich and beautiful texture to their work. Penumbra gives them the space to unearth these complex textures within their own performance pieces while working in a professional venue that celebrates black American drama.

Under the direction of Dominic Taylor, Associate Artistic Director – New Play Development, Penumbra has achieved national recognition and some of its techniques are being employed at theaters around the nation. The Penumbra Signature Series will provide regional theaters with an opportunity to engage their local playwrights of color in workshops and discussions about the black aesthetic and the role of black theater in America today.