Penumbra Theatre featured on NBC News – Knight Foundation

Penumbra Theatre featured on NBC News

Penumbra Theatre and Lou Bellamy, Founder and Artistic Director, were featured in the new NBC primetime news magazine program, “Rock Center with Brian Williams” on December 26, 2011. To view the segment, click here or enjoy the video above.

In June 2011, Penumbra staged its original play, I Wish You Love, at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. This musical drama about Nat “King” Cole caught the attention of NBC as it was the network that aired his show in the 1950’s. The introduction led to a deeper exploration of the theatre and its founder, which became the focus of this feature.

“We are truly honored to receive this national recognition of our mission, our art and our uncompromising commitment to tell the African American story,” stated Lou Bellamy. “Over the last seven years we have tested our mettle around the country to strong ticket sales, critical reviews and most importantly requests for return engagements. This past year alone, we got a ‘Must See’ from the Wall Street Journal, ‘Best Drama’ and ‘Best Director’ from the Arizona Star, and were recently featured on the PBS News Hour – giving people the chance to experience the power of art for social change. And, for that we are grateful.”