Philadelphia Sculpture Gym: Coming Soon! – Knight Foundation

Philadelphia Sculpture Gym: Coming Soon!

Just a quick update on the progress of the Philadelphia Sculpture Gym, a community based sculpture workshop made possible by a Knight Arts Challenge Grant. So many exciting things have been happening lately:

  • We successfully matched our Knight Arts Challenge Grant through our Kickstarter campaign!  Our backers were able to donate in return for “rewards” such as membership passes; Philadelphia Sculpture Gym stickers, mugs, t-shirts and totebags; and the most popular item, a small sculpture I did of a baby bunny in a crow mask, which got us donations from as far away as Australia!
  • We have located a building and are in the process of signing a lease on it! It was a tough choice to narrow down, as we saw A LOT of amazing buildings, but we think this space is the best fit for our shops. As soon as it’s official, we’ll release the address!
  • We’ve started accepting Charter members! From now until we officially open, we are accepting members at a discounted rate for the life of their membership.  This is our way of thanking those who are with us from the very beginning! For more info, please visit here
  • We’re participating in upcoming events at NextFab Studio and the Center for Emerging Visual Artists early next year.  Forming partnerships in the community has been one of the most amazing parts of starting this business…we’ve also connected with groups like The Resource Exchange, The Hacktory, Indy Hall, and more. Keep an eye on our blog for more details about the upcoming events!

We’ve found a local foundry to partner with! Details are still in the works, but right now it looks like we will be able to offer bronze casting right away once we open. Stay tuned for details!

We were featured on The Atlantic Cities blog! Check out the article here. Here’s wishing everyone a happy and exciting holiday season! Be sure to check our blog for more updates at