Pop-up art gallery at Just Tap’d stars two local artists – Knight Foundation

Pop-up art gallery at Just Tap’d stars two local artists

Featured artwork by Heidi Clinite for the Pop-Up Art Gallery at Just Tap’d.

Pop-up art galleries and businesses are a very popular trend, nowadays. Of course, as artists, we aren’t hesitant to accept opportunities to show off our talents. Well, this concept is not just beneficial for branding and selling the creative product or services. It’s also a very good approach for realtors to partner with creators to display their properties to people outside of their networks. Many cities are in the process of revitalizing their urban cores. A lot of these metropolitan areas are also recuperating from suburban flights, during which their Downtown buildings have experienced abandonment. So pop-up art galleries and businesses are an excellent idea to help attract people back to the city.

Many times, a pop-up art gallery can take place in an existing storefront. Heidi Clinite and Charlene Dooley are two local visual artists who will exhibit their works at Just Tap’d, a craft beer business that just opened its Macon location. It’s really important for a pop-up event to happen in the midst of a festival or other significant event. So these ladies have planned the opening night of their pop-up gallery on First Friday, which attracts many citizens to Macon’s downtown area.

In addition, they’ve created themes for their artwork. Heidi will feature her series, titled “Nautical Skies,” which consists of sea characters in the galaxy along with creative bottle bottle cap necklaces and bicycle tire dream catchers. While Charlene will use calligraphy inspired by melodic lyrics and cliches to create pictures, she’ll also devise custom holiday cards. During the pop-up art gallery, you can feel free to sip on some craft beer, which some may also consider a form of art. This pop-up art gallery exhibit is free and starts on December 5th at 5 p.m.

Pop-Up Art Gallery at Just Tap’d in Macon: 488 First St., Macon; 478-599-9951; justtapd.com