Pro tips: Applying for an NEA grant – Knight Foundation

Pro tips: Applying for an NEA grant

By Nicole Chipi, Knight Foundation

What should every artist know before applying for a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts?

Knight Foundation hosted a conversation on that topic with Robert Frankel, former NEA director for Museums and Visual Arts. Frankel and Knight’s Dennis Scholl went over the nuts and bolts of the application process, including the core grant programs available to applicants, program deadlines, budgetary guidelines and matching requirements.

Frankel’s first tip: get in touch with the NEA throughout the application process. “You need to talk to the people at the agency – whether you’ve had a grant or you haven’t had a grant, as you apply you should be speaking with people along the way.  That’s why the staff is there,” said Frankel.

He also emphasized the importance of seeking feedback from the NEA. “The interesting thing is that when people get the grant, they don’t call and ask what the panel said – they don’t care. Whether you do or don’t get a grant, call and ask for the panel comments. It can really help you the next time around,” Frankel said.


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