Random Acts of Culture™ takes over Lincoln Rd – Knight Foundation

Random Acts of Culture™ takes over Lincoln Rd

Knight Foundation is celebrating its 1,000+ Random Acts of Culture™ with four big, blow-out performances in San Jose, Detroit, Miami and Philadelphia. The fun kicked off Sunday, Aug. 5 with a 250-person surprise performance in San Jose, continued Friday, Aug. 10 with a 150-person performance at Detroit’s Compuware World Headquarters and hit South Beach Saturday, Sept 1 with a nearly 200-person performance of Ode to Joy on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road. Classical and contemporary musicians, singers and dancers staged an unforgettable surprise performance featuring classic, jazz, gospel and Afro Cuban versions of the Beethoven classic– enjoy the video above.

Random Acts of Culture arrives on Lincoln Rd, photo by Robertson Adams

Random Acts of Culture arrives on Lincoln Rd, photo by Robertson Adams

Why Does Knight Foundation Fund Random Acts of Culture™? Knight Foundation, like its founders Jack and Jim Knight, focuses on promoting informed and engaged communities. To that end, we strongly believe in the potential of the arts to engage residents, and bring a community together. Hearing Handel, or seeing the tango in an unexpected place provides a deeply felt reminder of how the classics can enrich our lives. As you’ll see in our videos, the performances make people smile, dance, grab their cameras – even cry with joy. For those brief moments, people going along in their everyday lives are part of a shared, communal experience that makes their community a more vibrant place to live. In these days of shrinking audiences, we also hope that these random acts will encourage people to attend traditional performances. We can’t promise it. But it’s hard to watch what unfolds during a Random Act of Culture, and not be inspired to see and hear more.