Reading Terminal Market January 2015 update – Knight Foundation

Reading Terminal Market January 2015 update

By Ann Mintz, Reading Terminal Market

In January, Reading Terminal Market continued its Knight-Foundation-funded series, Music @ the Market, with two performing groups anchored by a mother-daughter duo and deeply rooted in American traditions.

On January 11, the Market featured the Celtic and French Canadian music of Mist Covered Mountains. This quartet features fiddler Donna Hebert and her daughter, vocalist Molly Hebert-Wilson, along with guitarist Max Cohen and Celtic percussionist Alex Bell.   Music is deeply-rooted in Donna’s family. She sang with her mother when she was younger and now, she sings with her daughter. Her cousin founded the Northeast Fiddlers Association and served as a mentor to Donna when she picked up the instrument as a child.   Their upbeat instrumentals and three-part vocal harmonies charmed Market patrons and merchants alike.

On January 25, the theme continued with Little Missy— Philadelphia-based fiddler Jane Rothfield and her daughter, multi-instrumentalist Shona Carr. The Appalachian style old-time tunes and songs they play are primarily grounded in the musical traditions of England, Ireland and Scotland. A third member of the family, Allan Carr, joined them for a song and, in keeping with the social tradition of the genre, a Market patron who came to see Jane and Shona play handed his two-week-old daughter to his wife, picked up Jane’s banjo and joined them for a few tunes.

Music @ the Market is an ongoing series.   More information at This young Market patron understood immediately that old time music is for dancing.