Report from Charlotte: “The Planets” Is Celestial – Knight Foundation

Report from Charlotte: “The Planets” Is Celestial

By Susan Patterson, Knight Charlotte Program Director

The Charlotte Symphony hit a home run with its first Knight Sounds concert. You could tell as soon as the audience started pouring out of Knight Theater. I’d waited too late to get tickets to the sold-out concert, so decided to go downtown and take a look at Jupiter through the Amateur Astronomy Club’s telescopes set up for the audience after the performance. I totally agreed with every child and adult who looked: It was cool! The audience was definitely younger and more diverse than the usual Symphony concert at Blumenthal. There was lots of laughter and excitement. What a great partnership — Charlotte Symphony, Discovery Place, Bechtler Museum and members of the Amateur Astronomy Club. They all contributed to making going to the Symphony something to look forward to. My congratulations to all (and I won’t wait so long to get tickets to the next Knight Sounds offering).

The Charlotte Observer agrees with Susan’s enthusiastic review, writing: “The Charlotte Symphony has never been big on experimentation. But finally taking the plunge on something new – prodded, of course, by the need to bring in more people and improve its finances – paid off.” Click here for the full review.