Reports From The Field 2011 – Knight Foundation

Reports From The Field 2011

Three years into the Knight Community Information Challenge, a new report looks at how community and place-based foundations are helping to inform and engage their communities.

The report, by FSG Social Impact Advisors, highlights:

• How the field is getting involved: Community and place-based foundations are increasingly engaging in both grant making and non-grant making activities that support community information projects.

• What opportunities are emerging: This new work is leading to new impact and offering new opportunities for a heightened leadership role for foundations.

• How foundations are making progress: Community and place-based foundations and their partners are beginning to see outcomes both online and on the ground in their communities.

• Where challenges remain: While foundations are making progress in reaching and engaging their communities, many projects continue to face two critical challenges: building effective partnerships and addressing sustainability. Download the report: FSG_Reports-from-the-field-2011.pdf (PDF)

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