Semi-finalists advance in News Challenge: Mobile – Knight Foundation

Semi-finalists advance in News Challenge: Mobile

Today in Miami, we’re gathering 16 journalists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to help us review the semi-finalists in the latest Knight News Challenge, on mobile.   By the end of the day, we hope to have 10-12 finalists that we’ll examine more deeply over the next few weeks. (If you are one of those finalists, you can expect to hear from us by next week.) We expect to bring about five to seven of those forward for consideration by Knight Foundation’s trustees at its December board meeting and to publicly announce the winners in January of 2013. The semi-finalists projects are: A Mobile Good Health Community Abayima Amongst Apps for Good Augmented Reality & Geolocation Toolkit Backyard Budget Mobile Boomerang Mojo News Byzantium Carbon Creditor CityStatus Commons DialFly documentaryMapper Elva Escape Velocity FINtegrate Is this for real? Live field reporting narratives LocalWiki Mobile Louisiana Smart Grid mActivist in a Box Mobilizing Psychology n0tice Customizable citizen reporting National Council on Aging Navajo InfoWire NC Mobile Voter Guide Open 311 Mobile Dashboard Open mHealth Project Mobile Connections Remote Access: Connecting threatened communities with the outside world ReSystem: Rethinking media in developing countries scalable networked community radio Secure Mobile Communications Tool for Journalists StormCrowd Textizen: Citizen feedback for the digital age Thread Virtual town meeting WeFarm: Reaching the 75% Wikipedia mobile In addition to those listed above, we are also reviewing 13 closed applications. We’d like to thank the following people who have taken the time to join us in reviewing these projects: Mark Armstrong, Pocket; Krishna Bharat, Google; Blaine Cooke; Erika Fowler, Wesleyan University; Aziz Gilani, DFJ Mercury; Dan Green, Gates Foundation; Reyhan Harmanci, Buzzfeed; Hilary Hoeber, IDEO; Jaime Holguin, Associated Press; Sue Kronick; Omar Lee; Andrew MacLaughlin; Aron Pilhofer, New York Times; Dan Sinker, Mozilla; Kio Stark, NYU ITP; Ethan Zuckerman, MIT Center for Civic Media; We closed the Knight News Challenge: Mobile in September with over 525 applications. Winners of the two earlier News Challenge rounds of year, on networks and data have already been announced. We also recently announced that the first theme of Knight’s 2013 News Challenge will focus on tools for open government.  

By Knight’s John Bracken, director/journalism and media innovation and Chris Sopher, journalism program associate.

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