Chris Sopher – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Chris Sopher

  • Journalism

    Lead Investigator Madeleine Ball talks about the Open Humans Network. Today Open Humans launches its online network to connect people like you and me with research studies at Harvard, New York University and the University of California, San Diego. RELATED LINKS “Prototype Fund winner Max Ogden building a data-sharing ecosystem” by Vignesh Ramachandran, 03/26/15  “Donate […]

    Article · March 24, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Photo illustration made with images from Flickr users Thomas Hawk and Sourabh Rath. On Sept. 10, we’re opening the next News Challenge, on libraries. Our 12th News Challenge, it will build upon the 19 projects we funded with $3.47 million in June through the News Challenge that sought ideas to strengthen the Internet. That work, […]

    Article · August 25, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Above: Advisers gather to review applications in Mozilla’s offices. Photo credit: John Bracken.  Yesterday we huddled with 14 advisers in Mozilla’s San Francisco office to help us determine a group of semifinalists in the News Challenge. Today, we’re sending notices to 56 projects asking them for additional information. We’ll look at their submissions over the […]

    Article · April 18, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Knight News Challenge We’ve closed the Knight News Challenge on strengthening the Internet. Here’s what happens next: From now until April 17, we’ll be in the “feedback” phase where we review the submissions. We invite anyone and everyone to join us in looking through the ideas, asking questions and giving feedback. Our staff reads every […]

    Article · March 18, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Knight News Challenge video series RELATED LINKS “Towards a stronger Internet” by John Bracken and Chris Sopher on “Our future’s Internet strengthened today” by Jenny Toomey on “A $2.75 million challenge to create a more open Internet” by Mark Surman on “Refusing to unlearn a free and open Internet” by Shazna Nessa […]

    Article · March 14, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    The Internet has become an essential resource for artistic expression, news, economic growth, education and human interaction. How can we make it stronger? That’s the question we’re asking in the first Knight News Challenge of 2014, which we’re launching today, with help from Ford Foundation and Mozilla. Related Links “Our future’s Internet strengthened today” by Jenny Toomey on “A […]

    Article · February 27, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Mapping Local Health Care Prices: A Crowdsourcing Consortium We recently announced the seven winners of Knight News Challenge: Health. We couldn’t be more excited about the quality, variety and ambition of these teams and their projects. We’d also like to share the seven other projects that made it to the final round. While we weren’t […]

    Article · January 27, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Knight News Challenge: Health winners from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. In August we launched the 10th Knight News Challenge asking the question, “How can we harness data and information for the health of communities?”  We received 686 entries when we ran the contest in September and chose the winners from 40 semifinalists. Overall, we felt this was the strongest […]

    Article · January 14, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user Lynn Friedman On Tuesday, we closed the Knight News Challenge: Health with 686 entries. Now we’re moving into the “feedback” phase where, through Sunday, a panel of readers and our team will review the applications, ask questions and give feedback. If you’re interested in the contest, we encourage you to do […]

    Article · September 19, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Knight News Challenge OI Engine: How the Platform Works from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. There are only five days left to submit your idea to News Challenge: Health; it closes Sept. 17 at 5 p.m. ET. As John Bracken and I have toured the country hosting events and talking to people in the field, we’ve […]

    Article · September 13, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user Josh Kellogg. John Bracken (@jsb), Raina Kumra (@rainakumra) and I (@cksopher) are on the final stretch of a 3-week, 21-city tour to talk about and brainstorm around the theme of the Knight News Challenge: Health. Our contest question is, “How can we harness data and information for the health of communities?” We’re meeting innovators […]

    Article · September 5, 2013 by