The Miami New Times profiles Knight Arts grantee Shira Lee Abergel – Knight Foundation

The Miami New Times profiles Knight Arts grantee Shira Lee Abergel

Shira Lee Abergel was awarded a $50,000 Knight Arts Challenge grant to “entertain audiences unconventionally by reimagining the medicine shows of old in a wooden wagon that travels and transforms into a theatrical playing space.” The Miami New Times takes a closer look at the grantee this month. Read below for an excerpt from the piece and click here to read the complete article.

The Miami New Times recently profiled Knight Arts Challenge winner

Cross-posted from Miami New Times

Knight Arts Challenge winner Shira Lee Abergel has “always wanted to be a traveling hippie.” But it took meeting a circus family while on a road trip for her to understand want this would actually mean.

“The mother was a hand balancer or a stretchy person,” Abergel says. “When I asked about their lives, she told me that they go on the road, from gig to gig and whatever else they feel like doing. And wow, I thought that sounded magical.”

Shira Lee Abergel: keeping her hands warm while counting all that cold, hard cash. Republished from Miami New Times