Side by side, the emerging and emerged – Knight Foundation

Side by side, the emerging and emerged

The most recent show at the 6th Street Container, a Knight Arts grantee finalist for 2011 through director Adalberto Delgado, was a deceptively simple show, with two posters, a performance video, a soundtrack and glowing tape. It was from a young duo of Wes Kline and Cristina Molina, who attempted to work with the limited, elongated space to “produce” a dome, emphasizing the potential and experiment over the real thing. Called “Dome Drift,” the video included four performers making a dome out of their bodies (a backbend) in a concrete parking lot with fuchsia tape transposed on and over them, depicting the actual dimension of the Container. It was a strange and unique intervention on the space.

Tonight, Friday, Oct. 21, a very different show opens up at 6th Street, revealing the variety that an alternative space allows. Titled “Continued…,” it features works of artists who have worked around town for decades, and who have helped shape the broad landscape, both through their art and their teaching. It’s curated by Lou Ann Colody, an artist who was also director of COCA, the precursor to MOCA in North Miami in the 1980s.

A such, she exhibited Robert Huff, Robert Thiele, Carol K. Brown, Karen Rifas and Rafael Salazar, all of whom will have works in the show, along with Colodny. The pieces span the spectrum, from collage and sculpture to painting and video (including two 33 rpm records painted while spinning from Salazar). “The early artist’s vision is still evident,” she writes, “but the ways of presenting the ideas have changed … our travels in the art world continue.”

“Continued…” opening Oct. 21 at the 6th Street Container, 1155 (rear) S.W. Sixth St., Little Havana;