Speaking of Home-St. Paul, A project by Nancy Ann Coyne – Knight Foundation

Speaking of Home-St. Paul, A project by Nancy Ann Coyne

By Kirstin Wiegmann, Forecast Public Art

Gustavo Lira is an artist living and working in Minneapolis. He has lived in the United States for more than 16 years and says, “Although I am not a citizen—yet—I feel like one. I shovel snow, pay taxes, and am an engaged member of the local arts community. Still, I am often asked where I come from, like I am a visitor, an outsider. Why is that?”

Over the last decade, the percentage of foreign-born Minnesota residents has increased by 45%, and in St. Paul, where Speaking of Home will be installed this fall, the foreign born population increased 22%. The cultural landscape continues to shift significantly in the Twin Cities and around the state of Minnesota, a concept being addressed by artist and Speaking of Home designer Nancy Ann Coyne. Gustavo participated in the 2008 pilot version of Speaking of Home; you can learn more about that project in my last blog post.

Each interview between Coyne and a member of the immigrant community captures a story—the journey of an individual who leaves one home to create another, and with each story we learn of the many reasons a person might come to Minnesota.  Gustavo put it well when he said, “After all, in American society, everyone is either an immigrant or of immigrant roots—except the Native Americans, who were here many moons before us all.” We all have a story to share, the story of our history and our home.

Lira came to be reunited with his wife, who he met while photographing her in his studio in Mexico City.  Other immigrants like Lira have come to the United States for a variety of reasons: to study, to be with family, to begin a new job or as a refugee, each with a unique journey to share. Lira’s story is one of many compelling stories I plan to share with Knight Arts readers over the coming months. Gustavo’s murals and other artwork, influenced by his Mexican roots and heritage, are truly evocative to explore and are worth exploring as well, which you can see here.