Springboard for the Arts is blooming – Knight Foundation

Springboard for the Arts is blooming

By Laura Zabel, Executive Director Springboard for the Arts

After a very long winter, things are finally feeling like Spring here in St. Paul.  And a lot of the planning and work we did over the winter at Springboard for the Arts is also blooming. Last week all of those efforts came together and what resulted was a “perfect storm” of media attention.

We launched the 3rd season of our Community Supported Art (CSA) program in St. Paul this Monday, leading up to that our CSA was featured in a front page story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. And on the front page of the Sunday Variety section of the Star Tribune (yes, we are still a 2 paper town!) Those two articles, along with some earlier articles and great word of mouth contributed to the quickest sellout of our CSA program yet – all 50 shares were sold out in 5 minutes!

Also last week the news broke that Springboard would be filling an interim, administrative role in order to preserve an important fellowship program in Minnesota that was in danger of being canceled. Minnesota Public Radio did a charming profile of Andy Sturdevant, Springboard’s Artist Resource Manager and “One Man Art Scene.” And the Star Tribune ran a story (also, front page of the Sunday Variety section) about our Executive Director and 3 other women who are part of the new arts generation entitled “The Fixers”

We couldn’t be more honored by all this attention – especially with stories about the things that really matter to us: innovative and fun programs, our role in the community, and the amazing people who work at Springboard.