St. Paul’s Episcopal Church art gallery hosts Akron Society of Artists’ 2012 juried show – Knight Foundation

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church art gallery hosts Akron Society of Artists’ 2012 juried show

Who knew that St. Paul’s Episcopal Church had a sizable and nicely laid out art gallery? Apparently lots of local artists and groups, for church receptionist and gallery helper Julie McFarland says that the spaces are steadily booked.

“Shows change every two months,” McFarland noted. “They are all local artists on display,” she said, adding that the church “likes to help out in that way,” that is, to give space for public viewing of local talent. That mission even includes school age art projects at times.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church art gallery with window view.

The spaces set aside are great for exhibits – one a long hallway reminiscent of many art galleries, and the other a very large meeting room off the hallway that has great natural and indoor lighting to set off the works of art. Of course if there’s a meeting going on, or one just finished, you may have to walk around tables and stacks of chairs.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church art gallery in meeting room space.

Using a church for display is clever too in that there’s ample parking usually and, given that it’s a church, it’s open seven days a week, as this one is. That trumps some other spaces specifically designed for art exhibits.

Currently St. Paul’s is hosting the 2012 Juried Member Show of the Akron Society of Artists. Guest judge Thompson Lehnert, a professor emeritus of Kent State University, selected three top prize-winning entries and added four honorable mention designees.

Judy Takacs’ “Right and Better Left Unsaid,” 1st place winner of 2012 Akron Society of Artists juried show.

Lehnert wrote that he was “highly impressed” with both the quality and the variety of works shown.  “From stunning portraits and figurative offerings to radiant landscapes and cityscapes,” each offering made the work of decision-making even harder, he noted.

Judith Gaiser’s “Dirge for Two Veterans,” won Honorable Mention in 2012 Akron Society of Artists juried show.

There are 57 pieces by 33 society members on view – mostly two dimensional oils and pastels , with watercolors, acrylics, and crayon thrown in – with one exception, and that is member Ron White’s ceramic two-piece sculpture called “Comedian & His Audience.”

Linda Hutchinson’s “Boston Beat,” won Honorable Mention in 2012 Akron Society of Artists juried show.

Even a cursory glance through the galleries lets you know that there are some noteworthy and eye-catching works.

Ted Lawson’s “Showtime III” won second place in 2012 Akron Socity of Artists juried show.

Maybe even more importantly, the exhibit has a feel of freshness about it. With contributions being member submitted, the range of topics can ramble – and that opens up all sorts of possibilities that make visiting worth the effort.

Michael Nevin’s “East Fourth, Cleveland,” won third place in 2012 Akron Society of Artists juried show.

The exhibit had a “People’s Choice” prize, as is often the case in competitive shows. This year’s award went to Scott Lukens for his “Bruges – Canals.”

Scott Lukens’ “Bruges — Canals” won People’s Choice prize in 2012 Akron Society of Artists juried show.

The 2012 Juried Member Show of the Akron Society of Artists will be on display Mon.-Fri. from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sat.-Sun. from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. through October 28 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church art gallery, 1361 W. Market St., Akron; 330-836-9327; Admission is free.