Starting Over – Knight Foundation

Starting Over

Well, the time has come, my very last post for the Knight Foundation Arts Blog (for now). A very nice gentleman is slated to take my place next week. I trust that anyone who frequents this blog will enjoy him. What a ride this past six months has been! I have had opportunities to talk with some of my idols, learn about new and incredible projects, even had a few surprises here and there. Probably the best thing about writing about the art scene in this city twice a week for half a year is the crystallization of my thoughts. I feel like I see it more clearly now that I have ventured outside of my comfort zones. Detroit, a city that has in the past been known for its glaring polarities,violence, overwhelming poverty and neglect, is now teeming with creative energy. It didn’t take this blog, or the many “New York Times” articles, for me to realize this. I’ve known for quite a long time. The crazy part is that now when I tell people that Detroit is alive and well, they believe me.

In light of that, I would like you, as a special favor to me, to please go see the show that just opened at the Accelerator Gallery inside of the Detroit Creative Corridor Center at the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education. “Sometimes, things were done right the first time. Sometimes, you need to tear them down and start again.” This is the opening statement for its first curated show aptly titled “Starting Over.” “Starting Over” opened this week and celebrates work that does invent the wheel or is about starting over. The collection of artists includes Lilith Baron, Seder Burns, Jack Corley, Lauren Green, Katherine Huber and Lidia Simeonova. It will run until April 6, 2012 and can be viewed during its regular business hours Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Detroit Creative Corridor Center is a joint venture between the Business Leaders for Michigan and the College for Creative Studies. It was formed in 2010 to energize the creative economy in Detroit. Its projects and services include the Detroit Design Festival, Business Acceleration Program, Drinks x Design and Open City. Visit for more information.

Signing out with much love and appreciation,

-Vanessa Miller