Street scenes: An early look at “One Day in the Twin Cities” and the new Vivian Maier Gallery – Knight Foundation

Street scenes: An early look at “One Day in the Twin Cities” and the new Vivian Maier Gallery

You may recall, a couple of weeks ago, I wrote here about “One Day in the Twin Cities,” part of a crowdsourced, nationwide documentary project that took place over a 24-hour period on April 26, 2014. It’s an ambitious undertaking launching from 11 major U.S. urban areas: Detroit, Boston, Atlanta, New York, L.A., San Francisco, San Diego, Denver, Atlanta, the Lower Rio Grande Valley and the Twin Cities. The filmmakers behind “One Day on Earth” asked these cities’ residents to turn their camera lenses on themselves, to capture something of the character of their hometowns as prompted by 10 questions about what it’s like to live there.

Producers behind the April 26-filming project are working with local PBS and public broadcast affiliates to pull stories from that mass of raw footage for inclusion in a TV series about the future of urban life in America. The filming is now done, and videos are beginning to roll in as participants upload their footage to the “One Day in the Twin Cities” website; eventually, their contributions will all be geo-tagged and made available in a vast online archive of videos taken that day.

I’m following up today because Minnesota Public Radio’s Regina McCombs has already sifted through some of the early uploaders’ work to create a “first look” at what Twin Citizens have captured about our cities, and it’s great fun to watch. Take a look for yourself: her compilation is embedded up top. This early glimpse sure leaves me intrigued to see what a full TV series, spanning all the participating cities and even broader themes, might look like.

Self-portrait (c) Vivan Maier. Courtesy of Minneapolis Photo Center

On a related note: If you find this sort of thing appealing, check out what’s going on at Minneapolis Photo Center this weekend. On May 16, the center is celebrating the opening of a Vivian Maier Gallery space dedicated solely to showing their new permanent collection of the mysterious street photographer‘s work. On the same night, the center is opening a juried “Mobile Photo” show drawn from submissions to an open call for smartphone photographs. *

For more information about the project, visit Find details about the new permanent gallery dedicated to Vivian Maier’s street photography on the Minneapolis Photo Center website.

*Updated 5/12/14: The original post incorrectly noted the “Mobile Photo” call for entries as ongoing. In fact, the submissions have been made, and the 5/16 event at Mpls Photo Center marks the opening of the resulting juried exhibition.