Strong showings from two strong female visions – Knight Foundation

Strong showings from two strong female visions

“Be” from Antonia Wright.

“You Make Me Sick: I Love You” couldn’t be a better title for the solo show opening up at Spinello Projects from Antonia Wright. Primarily a performance and video artist, Wright’s work is gripping, disturbing, humorous, emotional and at a level that few Miami artists have reached. Whether the work attracts you or somewhat repels, you won’t forget it.

At Spinello, and also in neighboring gallery spaces in the same complex, you can experience the body of Wright’s work for this survey show. And body is the appropriate term here, as Wright uses and abuses her body to create her art, and to express her view of our current condition.

According to curatorial advisor Tami Katz-Freiman, “Ms. Wright’s recurring interest in using her own body as her principal tool enables her to undermine the boundaries of gender politics, to challenge social conventions via an extreme physical or emotional action, and to test the endurance of her viewers.”

Those extreme tests include wallowing in gutters, being swarmed with bees, poking her eye, and jumping into a glass wall to break the “glass ceiling,” which she did at Vizcaya during Art Basel. But the works themselves are more subtle than those dramatic physical descriptions above. You simply have to metaphorically take Wright’s hand and delve into them yourself.

"Recalled a Whisper" from Mary Larsen

“Recalled a Whisper” from Mary Larsen.

Also opening this week is a solo outing at 6th Street Container from Mary Larsen. Rather than her own body, Larsen uses floppy discs as the canvas for her art — yes, those early computer vehicles for communication that once, not so long ago, seemed so modern and now are almost obsolete. On these discs Larsen layers text and imagery to come up with narratives that are both apparent and obscured. The title for this show is also appropriately telling: “Recalled a Whisper.”

“You Make Me Sick: I Love You” opens Thursday night and runs through May 3 at Spinello Projects, 2930 NW 7th Ave., Miami; “Recalled a Whisper: an installation of works on floppy disc” opens Friday and runs through April 11 at 6th St. Container Gallery, 1155 S.W. 6th St. (in the rear), Little Havana; 786-587-5279;