Sustainability in theatre: New administrative paradigms – Knight Foundation

Sustainability in theatre: New administrative paradigms

By Amy Poulson, Teatro del PuebloTeatro del Pueblo is charting a course to sustainability in the theatre. Starting in 2009, Teatro del Pueblo began a formal collaboration with Pangea World Theater. Both organizations have missions that are oriented to developing and producing high quality fine arts that reach across cultures and are accessible to a diverse community. Consequently, working together to produce collaborative shows and learn best practices from one another is a natural fit. In the first three years of their collaboration, Teatro del Pueblo and Pangea World Theater have produced several successful shows, sharing responsibilities and taking advantage of their respective strengths. Both organizations are proud and excited to share what they have learned with the greater community, to ensure the sustainability of smaller, high-quality fine arts organizations into the future. Al Justiniano, Teatro del Pueblo’s artistic director was invited to participate as a guest panelist in this year’s Minnesota Theater Alliance conference on Sustainability in Theatre. The conference on April 30- May1, 2012 focused on how inspiration, innovation and tangible choices in different parts of the world have made a difference in the way we run our theaters. The conference was attended by participants in the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota as well as New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, and London via Skype and Google+. The panel discussion revolved around how to create and maintain Sustainable Administration. Al shared details of Teatro del Pueblo’s ongoing collaborative effort with Pangea World Theater.  He discussed the challenges and rewards of developing a new type of collaborative framework that is equitable and that lends itself to capacity building for both organizations while maintaining their independent identities.