Sweat with Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda – Knight Foundation

Sweat with Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda

We all sweat. It’s the body’s way of cooling us down, especially on those lovely August days in Miami when there are no clouds in the sky and the sun can have its way with us. However, for Mexico City-based artist Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda, sweat serves a higher cultural purpose.

Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda.

This Saturday, Locust Projects presents Emergía Miami, the U.S. premiere of artist Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda, whose performance-based work seeks to reveal cultural connections in each city that he visits. Beywond sweat, Sepúlveda invesgtiates the threads that bind each community together. Nothing is off limits. From local political icons to Versailles, Sepúlveda captures the symbols he feels best reflect our local culture. Sepúlveda then paints these local symbols on the backs of participants with watercolor.

As the participants energize, sweat slowly washes away the watercolor and a new image forms, which is then transferred onto cotton paper. The prints, along with video and photographs of the experiment, will be exhibited together. What’s left: evidence of our collective consciousness (or dementia!).

Locust Projects presents Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda: Emergía Miami, September 13 – October 11. Opening reception on September 13th at 7 p.m. with the artist, moderated by Maria Elena Ortiz. Gallery hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., 3852 North Miami Ave., Miami; 305-576-8570.