The 567 launches art education program for adults & kids – Knight Foundation

The 567 launches art education program for adults & kids

The 567 Center for Renewal in downtown Macon launched a new arts education program this fall, thanks to support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The first class, “Corks & Canvas,” has been offered four times since its launch on September 21. It is a fun, beginner-friendly, adult painting workshop where participants have the option to bring a bottle of wine or other beverage to enjoy while they paint.

A Corks & Canvas student paints while instructor Heatherly Wakefield demonstrates.

Every chair was filled in the first class on September 21. The students “enjoyed painting, and each put their creative touch on the instructed painting,” said Heatherly Wakefield, the local artist who taught the group.  “I think many of them gained confidence to try again, especially if it was their first time painting.”

The 567 anticipates by being introduced to art in a fun and interactive way, Macon residents will be encouraged to attend more art events throughout the community. “It exposes people who would normally not even pick up a paint brush and introduces them to their creative side,” Beth Smith, art program coordinator at The 567, said. “By introducing them to a creative activity they realize, ‘I would really enjoy this.’”

The next Corks & Canvas class is scheduled for December 13. The kids’ version, Koolaid & Canvas, will be offered on December 8. In 2013, The 567 plans to expand with classes such as drawing, jewelry making, and photography for kids through adults.

The students of the first Corks & Canvas class on Sept. 21 at The 567 show off their finished work.