The action at the ArtCenter’s Project space – Knight Foundation

The action at the ArtCenter’s Project space

Alba Triana curated “Concrete to Abstract.”

The art action in South Beach on Wednesday night moved to the second floor of the ArtCenter/South Florida’s project space at 924 Lincoln Road, one block west of its main space. It’s a building that has come into active use since new leadership came to the Center, and often involves interactive activity.

A packed room greeted Alba Triana, for the latest episode of The Listening Club, an ongoing event from Audiotheque, the space run by Gustavo Matamoros and the subtropics organization, which aims to bring better understanding and appreciation of experimental music and sound art. Triana concentrated on the fascinating journey of Western music as it transformed from relatively simple melodies and themes of the early Middle Ages into the more complex, less “identifiable” sounds and scores of contemporary music.

She effectively visually highlighted this journey with images from the various eras, underscoring the development of art in general. So for instance, we hear Gregorian-like chants paired with Byzantine religious imagery. Both, one could say, are “flat” in today’s understanding. In the music there was very little layering, in painting there was no perspective. But we move through the growing complexity of both forms, to Mozart and Caravaggio and finally to some terrific examples of the origins of contemporary music, from Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern. By the time the Listening Club ended, we were left with the almost formless music of Gyogy Ligeti, combined with an ultimate example of abstract art in a painting from Jackson Pollock. Triana appropriately titled her curated session “Concrete to Abstract.”

Installation shot of "Radio Miami"

Installation shot of “Radio Miami.”

In the front art space on the second floor which faces the pedestrian wall, another somewhat interactive art happening was taking place. “Radio Miami,” by visiting artist Rosell Meseguer and curated by Glexis Novoa, is a strange journey through topics literally ripped from the headlines in some cases – much if it is newspaper clips of news events tacked onto the walls, with such recent ones referencing the Ukrainian upheavals, and older ones relating to the Cold War. It’s a groups show with works from Adler Guerrier, Gean Moreno & Ernesto Oroza, and Onajide Shabaka. Kevin Arrow and Patricia Margarita Hernandez provided the audio-visual content.

Hernandez, with Robert Cruz, will create a “radio-performance” to accompany the show and put it on for the Studio Crawl, which takes place tomorrow night, May 3. It features audio from the Civil Defense Council of Miami made in the 1950s.

The next Listening Club takes place on May 14 at 8 p.m.: “The Birth of Polyphony,” curated by Armando Rodriguez Ruidiaz. The Studio Crawl takes place on May 3, part of the “radio Miami” exhibit, which runs through June 7 at the ArtCenter/South Florida’s Project 924, 924 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach;