The Committee to Protect Journalists produces a blood-red map – Knight Foundation

The Committee to Protect Journalists produces a blood-red map

From Eric Newton, VP/Journalism, Knight Foundation:

CPJ’s Global Campaign Against Impunity — the legal impunity’too often enjoyed by’those who would murder journalists — has produced a bright red infographic detailing the cases of 758 journalists killed since 1992.’ The graphic leads a new section of the CPJ web site launched this week. Here’s how you can get involved in the Knight Foundation-underwritten’Campaign Against Impunity.

The CPJ campaign follows up on the Impunity Project launched in 1995 by the InterAmerican Press Association.’ In addition to investigating the cases of’ journalists murdered in the Americas, the project reached out to government leaders to better investigate the cases. A public advertising campaign in print and online media included more than 400 news organizations.’The’decreases in the impunity rate have reached as high as 50 percent.

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