The Gallery at Macon Arts Alliance hosts second annual holiday trunk shows – Knight Foundation

The Gallery at Macon Arts Alliance hosts second annual holiday trunk shows

When she’s not writing, author Glenda Bozeman creates these beautiful scarves, on display now at Macon Arts Alliance.

The Gallery at Macon Arts Alliance will hold a series of trunk shows beginning Friday, November 30, with additional Trunk Shows on December 14 and 21. Receptions will be held on each Friday from 4-7 p.m. at The Gallery located at 486 First Street in downtown Macon.

Lauren Bausch’s ceramics make the perfect gift for Ole St. Nick.

These trunk shows are based on a similar concept used by fashion designers who hold trunk shows at retail outlets for select customers. The Gallery has adapted the concept to allow individual artists to set up tables within the gallery and feature a wide selection of their most beautiful and compelling work. The focus is on gift-sized art that is both affordable and original. These items make great gifts because they can’t be found anywhere else.

Alicia Bailey David began making miniature dolls for her children’s doll house. At the advice of her family, she began making them into ornaments to sell during the holidays.

The mission of Macon Arts Alliance is to foster and support the advancement of arts and culture in Central Georgia. These special events give artists increased exposure during a time when audiences are eager to purchase for gifts for the holidays.

Fred Kachelhofer uses an unusual, asymmetrical technique to create these pepper mills and candlesticks.

The trunks shows will remain on display, and available for purchase, throughout the week following each Friday reception. Ceramics, jewelry, fiber arts and other small works by some of Central Georgia’s best artists will be on display. Featured artists include: Lauren Bausch, Melena Bisanti-Wall, Glenda Bozeman, Alicia Bailey David and Fred Kachelhofer.

Malena Bisanti-Wall is a ceramic artist, but this year she’s also begun using encaustic to create the whimsical and fun works of art that are her trademark.

The Gallery at Macon Arts Alliance: 486 First St., Macon; 478-743-6940;