The Green Shadow and So Much More – Knight Foundation

The Green Shadow and So Much More

Every spring is exciting around Charlotte’s McColl Center for Visual Art:  New shows  and events with new affiliate artists.  They have increased their number of artists this spring, and well, more is more … inspiring.

In addition to the Summer 2011 and 11-month Affiliate Artists (who are local artists), there are Visiting Artists, Summer Artists in Residence as well as three Knight Foundation Artists in Residence.  One of these Knight Foundation artists, P. Scott Cunningham is the center’s inaugural writer in residence.  He looks at poetry as one conversation where his personality, concerns and mental processes are always present with real emotion.

But first, before you get to all this cool art, you are greeted by “The Green Shadow,” the new main exhibition by Jeff Schmuki and Heather Lewis.  This show runs from April 15 to Aug. 19, 2011.  Lewis creates visual treats with reflections and shadows; mirrors and lights.  After experiencing her work, you will look at everyday reflections differently.  Schumki’s work is the “green” and it will make you think and maybe even smile.  Check out to view these interesting, interactive art projects with Jeff Schmuki.

Quisqueya Henriquez, one of three 2011 Knight Foundation sponsored artists in residence was named as one of 25 art world trend setters by ARTnews in 2007.  Her work often fuses the formalities of economics, current events and art history with vernacular life in the Caribbean.  Watch out for local favorites, artists Sharon Dowell, Felicia van Bork and Isaac Payne.  One can get lost in the work of all three.  (The last two are 11 month Affiliates which means you get to see their artistic transformations over almost a year’s time.)

As always it is FREE to get into the McColl Center for Visual Art, Tuesday through Saturday, 11 AM to 4 PM.  There is even a FREE parking lot behind the NC Dance Theater.  (You really have no excuse.)

The center has an open-door policy, which means artists will often have their studio doors open for the public to get a glimpse into an artist’s world.  This is a great opportunity, especially considering the caliber of artists at the center this time!  (NOTE:  This session there are different residency lengths, so check the website for details to make sure you don’t miss anyone.)  Do not forget there are three floors.  One of the many rewards for making it to the third floor are Isaac Payne’s paintings “The Steps” and “Red Building.”

Go enjoy some amazing art.

McColl Center for Visual Art Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 4 PM FREE to public.

Check out for details.  (Length of artists’ residencies vary this session.)