The new state of Second Saturday – Knight Foundation

The new state of Second Saturday

Michael Jones McKeon at Emerson Dorsch.

The June 14th Second Saturdays art night in Wynwood and the Design District tomorrow is a good way to gauge just how much our indigenous art scene has transformed.

First off, it’s hot summer, yet the season has hardly come to a close. There will be numerous quality shows out there to see. However, as has often become the case, many of the new shows will have officially opened on Thursday – the new de rigueur opening night for actual art lovers. And moving from gallery to gallery won’t be the only option. Stops at numerous bars and restaurants – this week maybe taking in part of a Copa Mundial/World Cup game – are now part of the equation.

Even the spaces are transitioning. For instance, one of the best shows out there not to be missed is the solo from New York-based Sanford Biggers at the David Castillo Gallery; his re-configured, re-imagined “quilts” will hang on the walls until July 5. When they come down, so will the gallery, which will move to South Beach and re-open in the fall.

At the Emerson Dorsch complex, the fantastic collages and sculptures of Micronesia-native Michael Jones McKean are on display, in the recently redesigned building that as of a couple of months ago houses two other galleries, including the Kelley Roy Gallery. But the emphasis tomorrow is not on the night, but on a talk between McKean and Gean Moreno from 4-6 p.m.

Getting 'swampy' in a new space.

Getting ‘swampy’ in a new space.

Also not ready to go to sleep for the summer: Alejandra von Hartz opened up two shows on Thursday, which will be open tomorrow night as well: one a solo show of 1970s work from artist Marie Orensanz, whose painting is based in the unique Argentine Modernism; and a group show with works from a wide variety of artists including locals Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova, Lynne Gelfman and Lori Nozick.

And up in the Design District, Oliver Sanchez will unveil his new location for his fun, non-profit Swampspace, on North Miami Avenue right next to Harry’s pizza and bar joint, with a group show that includes the always-intriguing artists such as Jason Hedges, Johnny Laderer and Emmet Moore (3940 N. Miami Ave., Miami; [email protected]).

It’s true that the Second Saturdays series has morphed into its own, almost unrecognizable animal, but the art that started it all is still most definitely there.