The Nichole Canuso TAKES New York – Knight Foundation

The Nichole Canuso TAKES New York

By Nichole Canuso, Nichole Canuso Dance Company

This weekend (January 5-8, 2012) The Nichole Canuso Dance Company will remount TAKES in New York, which premiered in 2010 at the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival. New York performances will be held at 3LD Art and Technology Center in lower manhattan. TAKES is the predecessor to NCDC’s upcoming knight funded project The Garden. Many of the concepts uncovered in the creation of TAKES have inspired the ideas behind The Garden.

Conceived by choreographer Nichole Canuso and Multimedia director Lars Jan, TAKES immerses you in a shimmering world where live action and lost moments intersect. Barely separated from the audience by the thin membrane of a room size projection box this haunting duet flickers between memories and an intimate, visceral present. A sensual melding of live bodies and film, TAKES manifests, reframes, refracts and spatially unfolds the forgotten moments of a relationship in real-time. Throughout the performance the audience is free to wander and shift perspective around the installation. Canuso performs alongside Dito Van Reigersberg (Pig Iron Theatre Company) in this panoramic marriage of choreography and film.

Separate from the performances, the installation functions as an exhibit open to the public. During these gallery hours, viewers can enter the projection cube to create their own dance within the installation.

Preview TAKES courtesy of the video above and purchase tickets for the NYC show here.